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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do you play a C#m chord on guitar?

Question:could someon tell me how? i looked it up and it said something about a barre but yeah idk what that is lol i'm obviously beginner

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: could someon tell me how? i looked it up and it said something about a barre but yeah idk what that is lol i'm obviously beginner

I think TruBlu75 meant play B minor and slide it up two frets.
Up the neck is toward the body, down the neck is toward the headstock.

A barre chord is when you use your fore-finger as a capo across all the strings. For C#m you could either capo the fourth fret and play an A minor above the capo, or you could place your fore-finger across all the strings on the fourth fret as a capo and make the A minor chord formation with your remaining three fingers (barre chorde)

string order
1st E (high E)
2nd B
3rd G
4th D
5th A
6th E (low E)

Fore finger across all six strings 4th fret, middle finger 2nd string 5th fret, ring finger 4th string 6th fret, pinky 3rd string 6th fret. C#m

play b minor and slide it down two frets

A Barre is when you take your first finger and stretch it all the way (or even part way) across the fingerboard. Then you use your other three fingers to form the chord. The first barre that most of us learn is the F major chord. You simply place your first finger all the way across the first fret and push down very hard. Then, you put your second finger on the second fret of the third string, (3/2) your third finger on the third fret of the fourth string (4/3) and your fourth finger (the pinky) on the third fret of the fifth string. (5/3) Don't expect this chord to sound good right away, or even for the first few weeks that you try to play it. If it does, congratulate yourself on your excellent grip and strong, vise grip like hands. This chord, you have probably already noticed, is based on the E major chord

6/0 5/2 4/2 3/1 2/0 1/0

If you Barre it on the first fret, (First position) it becomes F major
2nd Position - F# / Gb (the little b means flat)
3rd Position - G major
4th position - G#/Ab major
5th position - A major

and so on.

If you want a minor chord, just take off the second finger and you've got one.

Now, to answer your question (it has been observed that I tend to be long winded)

If you already know your A minor chord

6/0 5/0 4/2 3/2 2/1 1/0

(If you don't notice that it is exactly the same chord form as the E major chord, just moved over one string

E major
6/0 5/2 4/2 3/1 2/0 1/0

A Minor
6/0 5/0 4/2 3/2 2/1 1/0

You can Barre this chord and get the C# minor chord that you want.

Barre from the fourth position (fourth fret) and put your second finger on the fifth fret of the second string (2/5) your third finger on the sixth fret of the third string (3/6) and your fourth finger on the sixth fret of the fourth string (4/6)

C#minor - Barre


You can play a more limited version without barring by putting your first finger on the fourth fret of the fifth string (C#) Your second finger on the fourth fret of the first string (G#) your third finger on the fifth fret of the second string (E) and your fourth finger on the sixth fret of the Third string. (C#) Mute the fourth string or collapse your flange (push your fourth finger down over both the third and fourth string - a bit tricky but not impossible)

If you want the fifth in the bass, simply move your first finger from the fifth to the sixth string and mute whichever string you aren't pushing down. This chord is a bit tricky and not as complete as the barred chord, but many people have trouble playing barred chords at first and I wanted to offer you a second option

6/X 5/4 4/X 3/6 2/5 1/4

6/4 5/X 4/X 3/6 2/5 1/4

Best of luck whichever chord you decide to master and I hope this helps. By the way, if you want to play the C#minor from the barred E minor form, it is in 9th position.


Hope this helps.

play b minor then slide it down two frets. it is the in more than one form

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