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Position:Home>Performing Arts> All-women cast play?

Question:Does anyone know of a play/musical that is appropriate for junior high students with an all female cast or a cast with few men? the play/musical is preferably set in modern times and is funny? help... anyone?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does anyone know of a play/musical that is appropriate for junior high students with an all female cast or a cast with few men? the play/musical is preferably set in modern times and is funny? help... anyone?

There's an all-female version of "The Odd Couple".

"Steel Magnolias".

an old, old one-act comedy by William Dean Howells: "The Mouse-Trap". (one male lead and one minor male role)

There are other all-female ones but not appropro for Jr. High.

who'll carry the word is a good one