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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Do you tune your instruments by ear or use a tuner?

Question:I can tune either way -- I learned to play guitar back in the day before electronic tuners -- but in a jam session with lots of room noise and other people tuning, by far the easiest way is to use an Intellitouch tuner, which clips onto the headstock and "reads" the sound vibrations from the strings.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I can tune either way -- I learned to play guitar back in the day before electronic tuners -- but in a jam session with lots of room noise and other people tuning, by far the easiest way is to use an Intellitouch tuner, which clips onto the headstock and "reads" the sound vibrations from the strings.

Both, but mostly by ear. If you play guitar go to this site for a free homepage tuner, click on the guitar.....
Very informative site for guitarist !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuner since i don't know the sound but everyone i know uses their ear.

I play the flute and i tune it with a tuner half of the time. My teacher taught me a trick to draw a line in pencil were the instrument is tuned so i can just put the mouth peice back to that line and i know it is very close to in tune.

It depends. If you are playing with a group of people, tune by ear because it doesn't matter if you're in tune and the other people playing are not. If you're playing with a piano or other "non-tunable" instrument, tune to them because they cannot change. If you're by yourself, though, a tuner is most likely the best option.

By ear. I have been trained to do so.

Both. But I usually tune my guitar with a tuner.

After 30 years... by ear. I can be within a flickering light of low E on the guitar. I practice in the key of A for 20 minutes every day, then move on to others. That has really helped in learning songs from CD's too. In music school we always carried an A440 tuning fork and would hum it like 20 times a day.

For tuning my guitar I can now hear them"snap" in. But I used a Korg tuner for quite awhile. It drove me crazy because most guitars that I have, the G string needs to be a tad flat to play open D in tune. Just a guitar thing.

You can listen to A440 here:

i tune by ear

most people should use a tuner unless you have developed a perfect pitch.

If you are playing by yourself use a tuner. If you are playing with an instrument that can't be tuned tune to that with your ear. If you are playing in a large group like a concert band the director will tell you to tune after warmup to a specific instrument and the entire band will tune. In general tuning isn't a one time thing, it is a process that you have to be aware of the entire time you are playing, so always keep those ears open!

Tuner if ones available
