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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Schubert's Moment Musical No 4 in C sharp is very Bachian, Dont you think ?

Question:Schubert's Moment Musical No 4 in C sharp?
Schubert's Moment Musical No 4 in C sharp is very Bachian, Don't you think ? The Sense of Continuity in the melody, the stacatto LH Notes, each singing melody of its own ? melody against Melody?

Yet, What is it about this moment musical that makes it very Schubert ? I read Somewhere that this Moment Musical is a mixture of Bach and Schumman, but what forms the basis to this opinion ?
Am I right to think that this Moment musical has some very obvious Bachian elements in it ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Schubert's Moment Musical No 4 in C sharp?
Schubert's Moment Musical No 4 in C sharp is very Bachian, Don't you think ? The Sense of Continuity in the melody, the stacatto LH Notes, each singing melody of its own ? melody against Melody?

Yet, What is it about this moment musical that makes it very Schubert ? I read Somewhere that this Moment Musical is a mixture of Bach and Schumman, but what forms the basis to this opinion ?
Am I right to think that this Moment musical has some very obvious Bachian elements in it ?

Yes, I agree. Good observation.