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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Whats the best way to learn how to play an electric guitar ?

Question:I sooo want to learn and master it over time. I love music and it keeps my mind off other things. Any tips on how i become good.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I sooo want to learn and master it over time. I love music and it keeps my mind off other things. Any tips on how i become good.

Just a lot of practice. Also learn from anywhere you can, books ,magazines,videos,internet, others who play. Also patience is the key. No one learns as fast as they want to but you just gotta keep trying. My way was to start with learning the basic chords through books and trying to switch from one chord to another. After that I learned a lot such as scales and music theroy from magazines like "Guitar World" and "Guitar School"( not sure if they're still around) And from there it was just practice and more practice. 22 years and I still have to practice. Just be patient and don't give up.

The best way is with lessons. But if you cant do that, then get good beginners books and chord charts and start playing like crazy. Build up those callouses and soon you'll be advancing!

Guitar Hero has nothing to do with playing the real guitar, just so you know.

Get one and practice.

guitar hero?