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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Spring Fling Theme Ideas? **Read Details Clearly**?

Question:For 2 years now at my school, we've held a spring fling. Now our spring flings are a little different. Each grade K-8 has to choose two songs to coriagraph a dance too, learn the lyrics, and to preform too. The themes we have done so far are:

-Broadway (we had to choose songs like, from annie, or sound of music)


-The 50's (we had to pick two songs from the fifties, our grade did "At The Hop" (Danny and the Juniors) and Blue suede shoes)

Now this year they want to do ballroom dancing, and i think thats kind of stupid and boring. and so does everyone else.
Do you have any other themes to suggest that i could change their mind with?

Thank you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: For 2 years now at my school, we've held a spring fling. Now our spring flings are a little different. Each grade K-8 has to choose two songs to coriagraph a dance too, learn the lyrics, and to preform too. The themes we have done so far are:

-Broadway (we had to choose songs like, from annie, or sound of music)


-The 50's (we had to pick two songs from the fifties, our grade did "At The Hop" (Danny and the Juniors) and Blue suede shoes)

Now this year they want to do ballroom dancing, and i think thats kind of stupid and boring. and so does everyone else.
Do you have any other themes to suggest that i could change their mind with?

Thank you.

How about the Flapper era 1920's?
Dances like the Charleston which can be done solo, with two, or in a group. Here is a link to a site that show how to do the dance and songs to do it to. here is a video from the 20's with a woman doing the Charleston.
One man, John Giola, from New York managed to do the Charleston for 22 hours and 30 minutes! Other dances of the era included the Cake-Walk, the Turkey Trot, the Black Bottom, and the Bunny Hug.

Another great theme would be 1930's swing dancing which was huge. Dance moves like the Jive, Jitterbug, Lindy, Push, Whip, and Shag were the most popular. Some great swing songs are # Cab Calloway - Rhythm & Soul
# Big Joe Turner - Greatest Hits
# HB Radke - H.B. Radke & the Jet City Swingers

Good luck and I hope you can get them to cahnge their minds.

How about Disney? Plenty of music to chose from.