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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do you sing better?

Question:i was just wondering. a lot of people say im a really good singer,,but i dnt think im very good at all times. how do i make my voice sound really clear and beautiful? is it in your throat? diaphram? help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i was just wondering. a lot of people say im a really good singer,,but i dnt think im very good at all times. how do i make my voice sound really clear and beautiful? is it in your throat? diaphram? help!

I've been singing classically for 2 and a half years and DO NOT sing from your throat. Take DEEP and big breaths. And don't move your shoulders at all while breathing. ALL from your stomach. You'll have a stronger breath and your voice will sound bigger and stronger. That's all I can really write and say. My best advice is to get a voice teacher hun!


sing from your diaphragm not your throat

Its through your stomache, use your stomache to bellow lol. Also, chew gum before, during, and after you're singing, it works really well to keep your throat and mouth nice and moist to retain clarity in your voice the entire time, trust me give it a try it's so simple yet so effective :D

Get smashed and turn up the music way too loud -- that's how I do it anyway.

Practice makes perfect.

Good luck. =]

It is the diaphragm and you could also hire a singing coach.

i went to a garden party it's that dam hair that i cant control humity curls

You do vocal singing exercises.

just keep singing. sing all the time to your favourite music. you will get better just by singing as well as by knowing the right way to sing. my sister used to suck soooooo bad she was annoying and just by singing to music she is actually pretty good now

Just KEEP singing!

i also a singer in my school and has win any competition like school idol!!
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Sing OFTEN. Think of it this way. Your vocal chords are like a muscle. A runner runs many miles to build up his legs to maximum strength... now I don't mean sing till you blow your voice out. I mean, if you dont usually sing everyday, start, even if its jsut a couple of songs, and build from there. Ive been a singer in bands for many years. But when I got a house gig where I was singing 4 hrs a nite 6 days a week, my vocals ended up getting so strong I couldnt believe it.So start building that vocal muscle! Just take it slow!

It's really how you use your whole self. If you're tight someplace, it's going to affect your tone. As a whole, you want to keep your throat really open (as if you're yawning), with your jaw relaxed, and round out your vowels. Thinking of your head being on the VERY tip of your spine (which is actually between your ears) will help with you not collasping onto yourself, thus keeping your sound open. Your diphram is involved with the breathing process as it's an involuntary muscle, so don't try to stop the motion by tighting your abdominal muscles. When you breathe in, it rises, when you exhale it flattens (it does NOT dip into a U shape as many teachers says).

A lot of singing also comes from listening. This is where being in an ensemble is essential. The main idea is to have the voices blend together, not to hear to X amount of individual voices. My chorus director tells us to "listen just as loudy as you sing" and it really holds a lot of truth.

As for being not being good at all times, that happens to everyone. I've had my share off days (and rehearsals) and the same happens to professionals. It's just because we're human. So, don't worry about not sounding great all the time. If you're taking private lessons, you may go through a period where your voice isn't so good, especially if you're working on some new vocal techniques. This is to unlearning old habits and replacing it with new ones, which may change various muscles in the neck/throat, face, cause new sensations, or what have you. So, be gentle with yourself and don't beat yourself up over it.

Most of all, have fun with your singing!

u put ur head in the water for 10 seconds and try to sing!!