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Position:Home>Performing Arts> My guitar is really big for me...?

Question:I'm teaching myself to play using a guitar I found @ my grandma's house... The thing is that the guitar happens to be REALLY big... (I can't buy a new one... my family thinks its good enough) Will I take up bad habbits trying to play this guitar... (I have small hands :( ) Should I stop and wait till I have enough money to buy one?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm teaching myself to play using a guitar I found @ my grandma's house... The thing is that the guitar happens to be REALLY big... (I can't buy a new one... my family thinks its good enough) Will I take up bad habbits trying to play this guitar... (I have small hands :( ) Should I stop and wait till I have enough money to buy one?

You wont pick up any bad habits. The fact that it is a little too big will give you a nice floating right hand for proper picking technique. So, go ahead and practice every day.

I agree with the answer above. Take your time and practice slowly. Be patient with yourself. Give yourself the freedom to not sound good for a while. Your patience will be well rewarded.

Good luck!