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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I need help!! i always quit things like dance and stuff even when i am good?

Question:i try to practice things but it never works out. right now i am trying to practice the piano but i just cant seem practice.i also take ballroom dancing but i just cant practice. any ideas on how to stick with things,not quit,and practice???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i try to practice things but it never works out. right now i am trying to practice the piano but i just cant seem practice.i also take ballroom dancing but i just cant practice. any ideas on how to stick with things,not quit,and practice???

Make a game out of it. Don't think of it as practice. Imagine how great you'll be. Ask yourself why you don't practice and figure out how to change it.

Bribe yourself. Tell yourself that you will get a treat of some sort (like a trip to Starbucks for a latte, if thats what you like) after you have finished practicing, and if you don't finish practicing, then you don't get one. Worked for me, and eventually practicing just become second nature and you won't have to work at it anymore! I wish you luck!

try to find the positive parts of doing a hobbie and you'll love it - but it does take time
Piano playing happens to be a very useful skill to know, even if you don't go into music professionally, and even ballroom dancing has its moments of being key to a relationship
