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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How does marijauna affect your guitar playing?

Question:I don't smoke but i know people who say it really makes them "feel the music" and play better, others say that it only makes them think they are playing better. Any experienced players/users out there?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't smoke but i know people who say it really makes them "feel the music" and play better, others say that it only makes them think they are playing better. Any experienced players/users out there?

It is fun to play under the influence. You feel everything so much more intensely and its sounds great. But... what sounds great then, may not when listened back while sober.

I've never smoked marijuana or used any other illicit or illegal drug and don't need such to feel the music I play. Any drug such as marijuana will fool and trip out the brain to enhance imagery, sensations, and allusions.

you feel the music, man

Marijuana is bad for your health, since I've never tried it I can never say.

But I recommend having a glass of red wine when playing it, Red Wine is safer than White wine.