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Position:Home>Performing Arts> The best seven string guitar?

Question:What wold you recommend to be the best seven string guitar out there?
I am looking to get one for my 19 yr old brother who is an awesome guitar player.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What wold you recommend to be the best seven string guitar out there?
I am looking to get one for my 19 yr old brother who is an awesome guitar player.


Ibanez makes them

The Ibanez RG7321 7- String

You can find them here..

Good luck

first, guitars are six strings or 12 strings. second, acoustic or electric? and third, get a roy clark acoustic or any gibson electric. (EDIT) sorry i never knew there were seven string guitars. never seen or heard of them.

Well, for one, the first answer is incorrect. Of course there are 7 string guitars! However, purchasing a guitar for anyone but yourself is risky business. If your brother is as "awesome" as you think, then he has some very definite ideas about what he likes in a guitar. Instead, give him "earmarked" money that he should spend on a guitar, or a gift certificate to a local guitar shop.
