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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I want to get a good guitar...?

Question:i was wondering if this guitar is a good guitar if anyone has played before please tell how you thought it sounded or if you heard it before. If you think another guitar is better then please tell me but try to answer my question.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i was wondering if this guitar is a good guitar if anyone has played before please tell how you thought it sounded or if you heard it before. If you think another guitar is better then please tell me but try to answer my question.

That's a decent guitar. Not the best acoustically. However, Ibanez has never been really well known for their acoustics. My buddy actually has that particular guitar. It plays nice, I just don't care for the sound so much without it being plugged into an amp. When it's plugged in it sounds actually better I personally think. I'd go with a Martin if you were looking for a nice acoustic sound. Ibanez has some great electrics though if you ever wanted an electric.

I haven't played that one in particular, but I can tell you that all of the Ibanez guitars I've ever played were exceptional.

The features are very cool and it has a great finish. I'm sure it is a nice sounding guitar.

It's nice.

this Guitar is Very nice looking how ever i prefer to go to the store which sells guitars and play them untilll i find a brand or a specific guitar that best catches my eye.... i mean i own about 8 guitars and personally the best acoustic one i would have to say in my opinion is probablyWhen used as a top,

Mahogany- has a relatively low velocity of sound (compared to other top woods), considerable density and a low overtone content producing a solid tone, and responds best at the upper end of the dynamic range. Mahogany-topped guitars have a strong "punchy" tone that is well suited to country blues playing.

But it would depend on what kind of music you plan on playing as well if you want to plug this guitar into an amp then sure this will do the trick its a good Guitar ...

but id consider researching the wood's don't go for a guitar based on finishes because if you do you might pass up a better guitar for one thats only half as good solely off of the fact that it looks better....

but if i had to give you one tip for you to remember when shopping would be this *** AVOID MAPLE ***

Maple- maple as a result of its greater weight and lower sound velocity, can be downright flat sounding, a blessing in disguise when a guitar is amplified at high sound pressure levels. This is why maple is the wood of choice for electric guitar tops

hope that helped