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Question:I'm auditioning for this instrumental music summer camp. I play the flute. I just want to know 2 things. One, is that if you get to choose what scale you play. I'm in the 8th grade, just for you to know. Two, I want to know how long (in measures) approximately the sightreading piece is. Thanks in advance! :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm auditioning for this instrumental music summer camp. I play the flute. I just want to know 2 things. One, is that if you get to choose what scale you play. I'm in the 8th grade, just for you to know. Two, I want to know how long (in measures) approximately the sightreading piece is. Thanks in advance! :)

I am competition judge for flute in NY. IN our system (NYSSMA) the student must prepare a certain number of scales, depending upon their level of ability (levels 1 thru 6) and then was judges choose the 3 scales we wish to hear. The sightreading examples is usually 8 measures long, and is composed according to a standardized rubric, sot teachers and students know ahead of time what they can expect.

I've never had a judge that let me pick the scale. However, a judge has also never made me play a scale with more than 2 sharps or flats. The most I've ever had to sight read in a solo audition was probably less than 30 measures.