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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I am in choir at school, do any of you know how i can train my voice to sing hig

Question:I am a baratone and my choir teacher says that i will be singing tenor next year, so i need to sing higher.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am a baratone and my choir teacher says that i will be singing tenor next year, so i need to sing higher.

Practice Using your falsetto.

Anyways, When I teach chorus When we do scales, every day if you push it one note out of their range. It makes your voice get used to it. start low and work up. It'll be there. If you have access to a piano or key board thast would be great!

You can stretch your range slightly by singing from the diaphram instead of the throat. This also helps you sustain notes. But if you are a baritone, then that is your range. There's nothing wrong with singing well in a lower range. I don't know where people get the idea that a tenor or a soprano is a BETTER singer than a baritone, alto or bass simply because they sing higher. There are plenty of talented baritones out there and you could be one of them. Tell your choir master you prefer not to wreck your voice trying to hit notes that your voice isn't designed to hit. Better to sit out choir for the rest of high school then to ruin your voice for the rest of your life.