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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can I learn/practice to sing in a rock band?

Question:I suck. How can I "Not" suck

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I suck. How can I "Not" suck

I sucked at first too, then I ended up being a singer in several local bands for 16 years...I took vocal lessons from a local hasbeen opera singer...a lot of what she taught was useless, I admit, but the lessons were cheap and she taught me a lot about breath support and a lot of the basics that'll help no matter what type of music you're looking to do...which is the second part of my advice...ask yourself what type of music you're going to sing, and stick in that genre...just 'cause you may "suck" in one genre, doesn't mean all is lost, you just may have to expand your musical tastes a bit...I had a Mick Jagger/Bruce Springsteen thing going, and it worked for me...and I'll tell you the best way to learn a piano, even a cheap Casio don't necessarily need to learn to play it, but you need to learn to hit the notes as you hear them. Hit a key and find it with your voice, and then try adding different vowel sounds without getting off the note. It sounds like work, I know, but give it time and don't give get nothin' for giving up in this world...Good luck!!!

Well, you could listen to My Chemical Romance. Or if you have a ps2 then you could buy Sing Star Amped. I have that game and it has improved my singing a lot!!!

my chemical romance is not rock, it's punk and they're gay and sound like sh*t. if you wanna learn screamo grindcore rock stuff you need to learn how to bree, pig squeal, growl and scream. go on youtube and look up 'how to bree' and watch a bunch of videos on how.
note: don't inhale bree cause it can damage your vocal chords bad enough were you gotta get an operation.

Play rockband all day!!!

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