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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What music do I need to play soprano sax?

Question:I want to learn to play soprano sax but all my music books are for alto or don't say which sax they are for. Will they work when I am playing alone or do I need music written for tenor? I am not knowledgable enough to transpose.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I want to learn to play soprano sax but all my music books are for alto or don't say which sax they are for. Will they work when I am playing alone or do I need music written for tenor? I am not knowledgable enough to transpose.

As long as you are playing with no other pitched instruments, any saxophone book will work fine. The issue will only come in to play if you are working with a piano or otherwise pitched instruments.

you can listen to any music you like to play solo sex, no one else will be there to listen

I play alto,tenor,and bari sax, and the only way i found out is if you wanna play by yourself it doesnt matter what key,but if your playing with a trumpet,tenor sax,clarinet, or any other Bb instrument you need to use one of their books.or just use a tenor one if clarinet isnt availible.