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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How to tune my guitar to a song on one of my cd's?

Question:Impossible I tell you! Even songs that i know are in standard tuning I can't do. I wish songs were recorded to real notes and not made faster and thus high pitched, etc. What can I do? Nothing? *screams*

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Impossible I tell you! Even songs that i know are in standard tuning I can't do. I wish songs were recorded to real notes and not made faster and thus high pitched, etc. What can I do? Nothing? *screams*

this is not brain surgery it is just practice. Really its not hard and just a matter of training your ear.

If you have a certain song, you can generally just search for "Song Name tuning" and it will come up. You can usually figure it out from there with a tab.

What defines a 'real note'? lol... I can't think of any songs that aren't recorded with notes. Maybe static or something.