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Question:When i listen to myself, i sing good.
but when i record my self, and play it back
it's not as good as when i am just listening to me sing

get it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When i listen to myself, i sing good.
but when i record my self, and play it back
it's not as good as when i am just listening to me sing

get it?

Maybe you are as good a singer as you think. I have done this before, and my voice teacher herself says that I am a very good singer, I have actually gotten a couple solos in stage shows, but when I record myself, it sounds REALLY BAD... it might be the quality of the recording. It might also be just you being self conscious of how you sound, because when you are singing, it is a little harder to notice tiny flaws then when you are listening to you self. Get some real life opinions. If you are in school, ask to perform for a music teacher some day during lunch, then ask for their opinions. They can give you an honest answer and help you get better. Another option is to consider voice lessons. Even if you are good already, it can never hurt to get even better. but if it turns out you DO need a Little help, then you will already be in a position to get some.

Why do you need help?

then u probly should get some singing lessons if u want to sing.

when you sing live, i guess you could say, you hear beond the imperfections of your voice. when you hear yourself from the computer or something, you look for things that you did wrong.. you simply have more time to listen for the imprfections.

voice change or no voice change if u got no voice change then visit the if ur voice is changed then go to clevand orchestra youth choir

That happens with everyone. I don't want to be mean, but maybe you aren't good at singing? Not everyone is. Maybe sing in front of someone other then your family/relatives if you want a real opinion. The best thing you could do is start getting singing lessons, if you really want to be able to sing.

Yeah, you're the best person when you sing but when you hear it on the recorder it sounds awful, I know how it feels.
Try to do some breathing exercises & try out to balance head voice & your chest voice. It will take time but as the time goes by you'll get better & better.

Hi, I am a singer and a voice teacher and I can tell you that we are all born to sing. We have the vocal apparatus and with correct training anyone can sing. However, it is easier to learn if you are very young. If we can learn to sing in tune and keep a beat when we are very small than our singing ability will seem to come naturally.

I have taught several people who could not match a pitch to sing and it can be a slow process at times but if the person is willing to work at it the voice will develop.
Of course I have never heard you. So I do not know what your vocal issues are. If you are serious about singing than look into finding a good voice teacher with a good solid reputation and ask for a consult.

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