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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Which instrument is harder to play: Saxophone or Drums?

Question:My friend and I are in an argument about it right now, so what do you think?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My friend and I are in an argument about it right now, so what do you think?

I have played over 100 instruments in public performance, and a boatload more in private. This argument is rather pointless, because all instruments are equally difficult to learn to play well.

For an intermediate player, saxophone is an easier instrument to sound impressive on. It takes advanced chops to impress people on drums.

But at the beginner level, and at the advanced level, they're both equally hard. Some instruments are easier on beginners, but at the upper levels of expertise, all are as difficult.

drums you have to do a lot of different beats at the same time
for example foot,left hand, right hand

for some reason i would thinkt he sax, because of your lungs and such,,i don't know much about music but thats what i think

Both are hard to learn.

TR is right, the argument is useless, the point is moot!
I think the only thing that makes one easier than the other is your desire to study that instrument!