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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Why dont they make cds with other wicked casts?

Question:This might be a dumb question but i was just wondering why they dont make a cd with other wicked casts


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This might be a dumb question but i was just wondering why they dont make a cd with other wicked casts


It would cost a fortune, and really, they simply would not sell enough of each of those versions to make it near worthwhile. Also entirely possible that the union would not permit it.

There have been a lot of Elphabas and G(a)lindas. At least 20 women have played each role, and a few of the Elphabas/Nessaroses have played both those roles or been standbys/understudies. So it would take far too much time to make recordings of all the casts.

The only other cast recording they have is the Stutgart Cast in Germany, because, well, its in German. And Willemijn Verkaik(Elphaba) can definitely give any and all of the other Elphabas on Broadway, in Chicago, in LA, on the national tour, in Tokyo,Japan and London a run for their money.


It would probably take to much time. Also, by keeping the original cast cd keeps in memory of the cast who played the roles first. But I know when Wicked came to my town last summer that they were really good. Oh and it would probably cost a lot of money.

Most shows have only a single cast recording, although revivals are often also recorded. Most of Sondheim, for example, has multiple cast recordings, and SUNSET BOULEVARD has three or four I can think of immediately, but those were also major productions. When WICKED returns to Broadway or the West End with a significant new production, expect to see a recording.