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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Difference of theater and film/television.?

Question:I have really bad writers block right now
I need to compare and contrast help me please?

so far i have
-Live audience
-can not mess up, and do over
-months of rehersal

-No Audience
-Multiple takes if messed up
-only weeks of rehersal-if that
-furniture (as opposed to art)

-Good pay

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have really bad writers block right now
I need to compare and contrast help me please?

so far i have
-Live audience
-can not mess up, and do over
-months of rehersal

-No Audience
-Multiple takes if messed up
-only weeks of rehersal-if that
-furniture (as opposed to art)

-Good pay

You have to really take note of comparing the acting styles.

They are VERY different and obvious.

Set,, Costume changes,, special effects.....
Projecting the voice ,,, Large exaggerated movement ,,, this is just scratching the surface of the differences.

I hope this helps you start thinking about and looking for these differences.

Get a hold of a play or a musical on DVD ,, performed on a stage of course,,, pay attention to every detail of the set,, the colours, the lighting, sound effects, the actors movements,, their speech, the style in which their lines are written,, dialogue pacing,, the way their voices are used,,, It's really not like any Hollywood movie,, where editing and cameras can create a lot more visuals to communicate.

eg.. a movie can show different landscapes and flash to the sky with no dialogue whatsoever,,,, images tell a story..

In theatre,, one way to do this,, is with the set,, lighting ,, music and dancing.

Well, the makeup/costumes sets are different - they have to be more "realistic" for films because they are seen close up (even though you did already put realism). You could mention how there are different types of effects for each form. Both are meant to immitate life, in a way. People go to both to escape from everyday life. Both take talented creative minds, and both take acting, but different kinds of acting. I know these aren't great but I can't really think of anything right now. It is much cheaper to go see a movie or watch tv then it is to see a professional play (for the most part anyway). Theatre changes every time it's viewed, films don't. I did a paper exactly like this a few years ago!

I would disagree with the good pay part - union stage actors can make as little as $190 a week in a small professional theater, and that's with a union contract. Broadway minimum for stage actors is only about $2000 a week right now. 'Course, if you're a star or featured role, that's different. Also, a professional would not have months of rehearsal. Usually just two or three weeks.

Another difference would be that with theatre, you have to repeat the same performance several times a week, in film or tv, only as many takes as required. In theatre, you perform for the two hours or so straight that the play lasts, in tv, often things are shot take to take - stopping in between.