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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Ugh. While strumming down then up is your finger and thumb position supposed to

Question:I mean the thumb and forefinger you're using to strum, of course. It seems to me that if I strum slowly and watch, my thumb slide down the pointer finger so that the thumb nail is what is hitting the strings on the way up. Is this bad? Is there a better position to be holding these two fingers in? Thanks. playing acoustic guitar, of course

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I mean the thumb and forefinger you're using to strum, of course. It seems to me that if I strum slowly and watch, my thumb slide down the pointer finger so that the thumb nail is what is hitting the strings on the way up. Is this bad? Is there a better position to be holding these two fingers in? Thanks. playing acoustic guitar, of course

It depends what style of music you play.

Flamenco guitar : the thumb is anchored on the bass E string

Classical guitar : chords are usually plucked, not strummed

Pop/rock music : do whatever you like. Experiment a bit and find what works for you. There is no right and wrong way to strum a guitar in pop music.Everybody has their own style.

It might be good for you to look at flamenco guitar styles ; you will get some good ideas there :