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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can I get my voice back (quickly)???

Question:I'm a lead in my school's musical and I've partially lost my voice. We have a show tonight and I need to be able to sing b/c I don't have an understudy. What can I do to get my voice back (or at least a bit better) by tonight??? Help please!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm a lead in my school's musical and I've partially lost my voice. We have a show tonight and I need to be able to sing b/c I don't have an understudy. What can I do to get my voice back (or at least a bit better) by tonight??? Help please!

1. Calm yourself...the more freaked out you are the less you accomplish.
2. Stay home, get rest, stop talking.
3. Gargle with a cup of warm water in which you have stirred a 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda.
4.Assuming that your vocal cords are slightly swollen, drink lots of cold liquids and don't be afraid to gargle with them also.
5.Warm up SLOWLY before the performance tonight...ask for help from a teacher...don't try to "work it out" by yourself.
6.Nearly all productions are 'mic'ed these days...sing lightly and let the sound people do the work.

eat honey, i heard it's good for your voice..and drink something warm like milk or tea

Drink lots of warm water and eat Vitamin C. Don't talk or use your voice at all.

There could be some traditional remedies out there that might work. I can't help you with that though.

All the best!

Try to suck on one of those cough relievers. I am a singer for almost all my life and it has always worked for me. Try Fisherman's Friends or Halls.
Also, try to breath deeply and relax yourself and do not freak out. If you cannot get your voice back tonight, at least you will be relaxed and seem confident and that would dramatically improve your performance.

drink lots of tea w/ honey, lots of vitamin c, dont talk unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, and try stuff like halls and other throat losenges. hope i helped, and break a leg tonight!