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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is the lowest note a trumpet can play?

Question:Its usually a G.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Its usually a G.

I think it is a G flat but me and my one friend have competitions to reach the C below that and we have both gotten to it but the tone of it is really bad.

An F# but you can still go down pedal notes by opening up really far.

The lowest note in the natural range of the trumpet is F#/Gb, but hitting the C below that isn't particularly difficult. The hard part is playing the notes in between. Working on them is a good thing and developing the control to play the pedal tones well will actually benefit your high range. You should also remember that like pedal tone fingerings aren't always fingered like the notes in the staff.

John T stole my thunder!!

he's spot on correct!!!

I can play a double pedal C on trumpet. I cannot however play the notes inbetween it and the pedal C.