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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Do you have any funny ideas for a MC skit for a high school talent show?

we did a telethon idea for our talent show my senior year, and we had a running joke through the show that one host kept calling a particular number asking for money.
At the end of the act, the person on the other line got really mad and then threatened to come over and beat up the MC.
Then from out of the house, came a kid wearing a bear suit chasing the MC around.
It's pretty funny, mostly because a bear suit is always funny.
Or a chicken suit.
Either way. We got the nerdiest kid in school to dress up in a chicken suit and just walk accross the stage. It brought down the house.
Good luck with your show!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: well...
we did a telethon idea for our talent show my senior year, and we had a running joke through the show that one host kept calling a particular number asking for money.
At the end of the act, the person on the other line got really mad and then threatened to come over and beat up the MC.
Then from out of the house, came a kid wearing a bear suit chasing the MC around.
It's pretty funny, mostly because a bear suit is always funny.
Or a chicken suit.
Either way. We got the nerdiest kid in school to dress up in a chicken suit and just walk accross the stage. It brought down the house.
Good luck with your show!