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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What did Alice Cooper do with a chicken onstage?

Question:He threw it back into the crowd after it was thrown onto the stage by a member of the audience. He thought it would fly away over their heads, but instead it plummeted into their midst and they tore it to pieces. The newspapers the next day reported this incident as all sorts of nonsense such as: "Alice Cooper rips head off chicken and drinks its blood!" He never intended any harm to come to the chicken, he just didn't realize it couldn't fly (or that the crowd would tear it to bits). The whole thing was blown way out of proportion by the press.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: He threw it back into the crowd after it was thrown onto the stage by a member of the audience. He thought it would fly away over their heads, but instead it plummeted into their midst and they tore it to pieces. The newspapers the next day reported this incident as all sorts of nonsense such as: "Alice Cooper rips head off chicken and drinks its blood!" He never intended any harm to come to the chicken, he just didn't realize it couldn't fly (or that the crowd would tear it to bits). The whole thing was blown way out of proportion by the press.

I think he bit the chicken's head off.....errr am I thinking Ozzy with the bat?

He threw it off the stage into the crowd. He was not expecting poultry to be thrown at him. It was Ozzy who bit the head off a dove. He was a little high at the time.

Anna is right !!.....and she is NOT talking about me, rather.....Ozzy know, Kelly's