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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Will this really damage my guitar?

Question:I was told that if I tune my guitar to drop c (C G C F A D) it would damage the neck. Is this true?

Some guy told me this and I don't believe it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was told that if I tune my guitar to drop c (C G C F A D) it would damage the neck. Is this true?

Some guy told me this and I don't believe it.

No, some guitarists play in this tuning all the time.
Using tunings like dropped D or open G do not harm your guitar at all.

Loosening will not do damage... but it's best to keep tension if you want the neck to last indefinitely... It's constantly changing tension that causes damage... the wood will wear out, but it would probably take more than a decade of doing that regularly.

Well, the neck's designed to be pulling against the tension of the strings, but dropping the E by two full steps and the rest by one step isn't going to lower the tension enough to wreak any havoc on it. Maybe if you've got some really nasty Mickey Mouse non-brand-name guitar, but even then it seems unlikely.