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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is a good slow song to play on guitar for someone you like?

Question:OOH! i love the beetles songs idea!!!!
they are my idol(s)!!! i like the dead ones the best!!!

i suggest across the universe
its my ultimate fav!

if only someone loved me enough to sing that to ME!
o well.......................................

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: OOH! i love the beetles songs idea!!!!
they are my idol(s)!!! i like the dead ones the best!!!

i suggest across the universe
its my ultimate fav!

if only someone loved me enough to sing that to ME!
o well.......................................

I'd go with an accoustic version of any early Beatles songs.

If you really want to tell the person that you like them or love them, you should write a song. This song need to come from the heart and need to be perfected. depends. Have you told this person how you feel about them yet? Or are you planning to use the song as a way to tell them? If your case is the latter, I would suggest Cat Steven's "How Can I Tell You." It's a slow acoustic, folk-ish song, very touching.