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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I'm nervous...?

Question:on friday the school house comps are on,
and im in a play,
but im nervous about messing up on stage,
and letting my house down ''/
What do i do?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: on friday the school house comps are on,
and im in a play,
but im nervous about messing up on stage,
and letting my house down ''/
What do i do?

Hon, there's nothing to worry about! You've got your lines memorised well enough, your blocking is down, you know what to do. Don't sweat it - that's the fun of live theatre. :^)

All I can say is, practice, try to stay calm and not think about it, and just try to stay calm I guess?????

being nervous is usaually a good thing to make u do better!