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Position:Home>Performing Arts> MUSICIANS! What kind of music group should I start?

Question:I'm a softmore in high school and i'm starting a group to play a churches. I don't know if I should start an ensemble that has different instruments in it or a flute choir like i used to be in. I have music and am capable of writing harmany if nessecary. I play the flute, piccolo, piano, trombone, trumpet, baritone and alittle guitar. I am very good at all my instruments and i even made districts this year so i know i'm capable of it. But i need some ideas. Thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm a softmore in high school and i'm starting a group to play a churches. I don't know if I should start an ensemble that has different instruments in it or a flute choir like i used to be in. I have music and am capable of writing harmany if nessecary. I play the flute, piccolo, piano, trombone, trumpet, baritone and alittle guitar. I am very good at all my instruments and i even made districts this year so i know i'm capable of it. But i need some ideas. Thanks

In my oppinion, as a musician, a flute choir would be a good fit for churches - the reason being, many churches wouldn't have the space for an ensemble of more varied instruments.

What would possibly be a nice idea is having a flute choir, but also having either one or two singers, the two timbres blend well together, and it just adds some variation to a standard flute choir!

Hope this helps!

i would play guitar if i were you. a lot of churches are getting more contemporary, so i think you would have more success at finding churches to play at if you had a contemporary band. get someone who plays drums, someone on keyboard, someone to sing, etc.

r&b ? ?

You should have perfrom free at public ,in sg,peploe sing on streets!

Play what ever kind of music moves you ... then find a church that appreciates it. :)

it would be sooo cool if you could do a strings quartet.
or really, any kind of instrumental quartet would be awesome.
and if you can write harmony, you should have no problem with that.

Well.. try casting your bread upon the waters and hopefully you won't just get soggy crumbs.

When I put my first group together, I was in High School too. I Started on keyboard... piano and organ... I just started going to the music room at noon time and playing the piano. As people heard what I was doing, I started getting a small audience and before long some of the band members started joining me, so by the end of that school year, we had a pretty good group going.. Piano, guitar, flute, clarinet, drums, trumpet, and I forget what else... anyway, we got a pretty good group going and we had a very good sound because that was before everyone had amplifiers so we played unplugged... all acoustic stuff.

You may want to try something like that... it pays to advertise and sometimes the best advertisement is YOU.

Start with our own church. Most churches either hire trained people, or use their own congregants. I hope you can arrange music better than you can express yourself verbally - if you are going to be applying to ministers, etc., your written skills do not represent you well.

See if they have a group that you can play WITH. And I hope that you are doing this for love of music and for a public service - because you CANNOT rely on being paid. Why would they pay YOU, when they can get older, more experienced people who donate - or will play professionally?