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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can Someone tell me 1 harmonic minor and 1 melodic Scale for the Bb Clarinet so

Question:I'm a Freshmen and I need to have those scales to audition for next year. Please don't make them hard, just in the middle.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm a Freshmen and I need to have those scales to audition for next year. Please don't make them hard, just in the middle.

I am a professional clarinet and bari sax player in Chicago, and I have been playing for 18+ years.

The lady from New York gave you a couple of great scales- no too hard. However, I wanted to stress- I have NEVER been to an audition that let you choose your own scales! EVER!

Usually, they name a couple random scales and you go for it. Also, depending on your age, and seeing as how they are requesting minor scales, they will probably expect you to play them in more than one octave!

E, F, F#, G... maybe even G# and A... should all be played 3 octaves by the end of high school, whether major or minor. When graduating college, you should be able to play ALL scales in 3 octaves.

However, I would prepare as many as you can, 2 octaves, but make them clean. Here's a link to ALL of your scales...
they all go 2 octaves. Just click on whichever ones you need. It's free and you can print them for practice.

I also wanted to give you a suggestion: spend 10 minutes a day on a scale. Just pick one and learn it. It only takes 10 minutes. The next day, play through the scale once, pick another one, and learn it. You will learn all of your scales in just a little over a month!

Good Luck!

I am a woodwind judge for NYSSMA - the state competition in NY. Here goes - e harmonic minor: e f# g a b c d# e (d# is played the same way as eb). OR - here is another one -
a b c d e f g# a = same coming down.

Now - melodic minor is DIFFERENT going up and down. e melodic minor -

e f# g a b c# d# e; e d c b a g f# e

a melodic minor -

a s c d e f# g# a; a g f e d c b a

Good luck. You should learn MORE than just the minimum, you know - and it is possible that they expect you to know SEVERAL, and they PICK one- that's how it works around here. We do not hear minor scales, however - only majors.