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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Should I go to the stage production of Phantom of the Opera?

Question:I loved the movie, even with its faults. I've been told the stage production is so much better, I think I'll have to see for myself. Who has seen both and what do you think?
(I hope I won't get zapped for putting this under "classsical")

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I loved the movie, even with its faults. I've been told the stage production is so much better, I think I'll have to see for myself. Who has seen both and what do you think?
(I hope I won't get zapped for putting this under "classsical")

I have seen every phantom movie, read the book and seen "The Phantom,..." 4 times on stage including a very funny comedy version. It is definitely worth seeing the stage production. It's not a matter of better as it is different.
The Phantom changes depending on whether they say he was born deformed or became deformed when an attempt was made on his life after designing a palace for a madman.
The stage show brings you into the play in a way a film can't.
A film can add so many details but I'd say if you enjoyed the films you'd enjoy the stage show. I'm biased but I hope you go and thoroughly enjoy it.

well i would go if i had the chance i loved the opera itself. it was great if i had the chance i would go to that also


I've seen it on the stage quite a number of years ago. It was spectacular.

Every fan of musical theatre needs at some point to see Phantom. It was the first broadway show that I saw and I absolutely fell in love with it. There is no possible way for you to be unimpressed because the casting for the this show is never easy. Andrew Lloyd Webber is just a masterful composer. Go see it and you will be glad you did.

i have seen it 3 times in NY & twice Philly. Each time was awesome. Make sure you try to sit center seats. That is where to chandellier comes down.

Yes! The musical live is SO much better than the movie. Sit close to the stage if possible - you can see the action a lot better and things tend to "get lost" if you aren't within the first ten rows or so.