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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Talent show ideas?

Question:Okay, My friends and I need an idea for a talent show! (we feel like we can't sing or dance so we need something original) It's 3 girls (including me) and we're in the 7th grade. Please help us! Thank you in advance. =)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Okay, My friends and I need an idea for a talent show! (we feel like we can't sing or dance so we need something original) It's 3 girls (including me) and we're in the 7th grade. Please help us! Thank you in advance. =)

Oh we just got our talent show forms at school two, in the 7th grade. We are doing a dance. But you could always do like a really funny skit. Like if its that you want to do a dance but you just cant dance then like make up choreagraphy (sp?) because thats pretty easy to dance to.

Ooh, I know your probelm, I'm just the same. Try a funny little mini-skit. (Note on skits; they're normally funnier if someone pretends to be really, really dumb.) For instance, the skit could be about how you have no idea what to do for the talent show.

Good luck, and remeber to have fun, cause if you're not, then the audience will be super-bored!