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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Lefties who play guitar-do you actually play guitar left-handed?

Question:i do, but every left-handed friend i have that plays guitar plays right-handed. and that's just DUMB. lol.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i do, but every left-handed friend i have that plays guitar plays right-handed. and that's just DUMB. lol.

You just do whatever seems correct to you. The big advantage of playing right handed is that you have so many more guitars to choose from when you want to buy or play one.

I'm not a leftie, but I know that famous lefties played on with their left hand. It just makes sense..

i dont !! i am left handed but i play right. my bro though is left handed and he goes lefty :]

some do, for example jimmi hendrix, the only disadvantage is that when you are in a party and want to play the guitar the chances for you to find a left guitar are none