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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What level is Far From the Home I Love from Fiddler on the Roof for NYSSMA?

Question:Thank You!

And if there is anywhere I could get information on the songs for NYSSMA, please tell me.

Thanks again!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Thank You!

And if there is anywhere I could get information on the songs for NYSSMA, please tell me.

Thanks again!!

It's a level 4. I'm going to be singing it for NYSSMA this year. A great song from a great musical. And most everyone does On My Own from Les Mis so the judges will appreciate hearing a song other than that. haha sorry it's just that everyone does that song.

I don't know about you school, but in mine, the music department has a big book full of all the songs avaliable for NYSSMA and their levels. You could ask your band director or something like that.