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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Who are the best guitarists?

Question:I think dimebag darrel is the best...what about you?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think dimebag darrel is the best...what about you?

Wow what a shred fest. All these names flying around like Malmsteen, Kirk Hammet etc.

Why do people think that if you can play FAST it means you're talented?

So what if Malmsteen knows his harmonic minor scale up and down??

John Petrucci is clearly the world's best guitarist CURRENTLY. I say that not only because I'm a massive fan, but because he's been voted the best guitarist for the last 5 years in Total Guitar Magazine, Guitarist Magazine, Learn Guitar Magazine and Guitar World Magazine. I think that makes him qualify, does it not?

He's the only guitarist I know who can alter his style completely depending on the song type. Hendrix played one style - Brian May I agree is amazing - but nobody's got the incredible tone, timbre, dynamics and power Petrucci's got. The guy's INSANE.


Brian May without a doubt

dime bag, randy rodes, hendrix, and stevie ray von without a doubt

Allan Holdsworth. You guys are WAY off.

dime bag rules. i would have to say, zakk wylde then slash.

dime bag R.I.P

RAFFI *****!!!... at least kids like him

Jimmy Page, Tom Morello, Dave Matthews

Jimi Hendrix
Chat Atkins
Jerry Reed
Jeff Beck
Bob Dylan
Paul Mac Cartney
John Lee Hooker
Matt "Guitar" Murphy
BB King

Iam surprised I havent heard Kirk Hammet or Dave Mustaine yet.

Some my brother likes are Yngwie Malmsteen,
Michael Angelo Batio, Steve Vai, Angus Young....

Depends on your taste of music, but hese are the following for me:

Joe Satriani/Steve Vai (soloist)

John Petrucci (GENERAL)

Jimmy Hendrix (Feeling)

Johnny 'Guitar' Watson (Live Performance)

Guthrie Govan (Modern)

Steve How (Prog)

David Gilmour (Solos)

Jimmy Page (Riffs)

Frank Gambale (Jazz)