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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Where can I go to buy cheap Phantom of the Opera tickets (I live in Los Angeles)

Question:Post on a site in your area or put wanted, Phantom tickets, in your local newspaper.....sometimes people buy them and then can't on your super market bulletin board also !!!!! Maybe there's a site where you can type in this on Yahoo, google or even E-bay ; ( inexpensive tickets for the Phantom of the Opera ).....just make sure that it's a reputable place or person if someone does claim to have them !!!!!!! don't want to get riped off !!!!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Post on a site in your area or put wanted, Phantom tickets, in your local newspaper.....sometimes people buy them and then can't on your super market bulletin board also !!!!! Maybe there's a site where you can type in this on Yahoo, google or even E-bay ; ( inexpensive tickets for the Phantom of the Opera ).....just make sure that it's a reputable place or person if someone does claim to have them !!!!!!! don't want to get riped off !!!!!!!!