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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How loud is an alto sax, and can it be muted?

Question:How loud relative to a trumpet (both playing at forte)?

I know they make mutes, but what effect would a couple socks or a t-shirt stuck in the bell have?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How loud relative to a trumpet (both playing at forte)?

I know they make mutes, but what effect would a couple socks or a t-shirt stuck in the bell have?

IT is about the same volume as a trumpet. Depending on the player, it can be much louder or much softer. There is a "mute" for the saxophone which is a cloth ring type of thing that goes in the bell. It doesn't really mute it, but it helps eliminate the overtone series above to give a more focused fundamental note. It does not really make the volume any less for the instrument because unlike a trumpet or other brass instrument, the sound comes out of all of the keys and not just the bell. If the saxophonist plays a B (in the middle of the treble clef) the sound is coming out right near the top and not near the bottom. A couple socks or a t-shirt will do nothing for most notes. The only notes it would affect would be the low B and low Bb because if anything, it will just stop the note from playing, nothing else.

its loudish and yes u can buy special muter but i know you wont need it as its not THAT! loud

I think its pretty loud, u could hear me playing from outside the house and if my parents were on the phone the person on the other end could always hear me, but i would think a trumpet would be just as loud. and for the socks and t-shirt? I wouldn't know if that would work but u can try :)