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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Are the fingering of flutes and saxophones the same?

Question:Also piccolo and saxophone?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Also piccolo and saxophone?

Many of the fingerings are the same. I play the flute and the saxophone. I started on flute, and learning the sax after that was really easy, at least being able to know the fingerings. The higher fingerings are completely different. The flute also has a little bit larger range. The sax has a register key, where as the flute doesn't. That's another fingering difference.

Fingerings for flute and piccolo are the same.

Flute and pic have the same fingerings, at least for the most part. Saxophone and flute/pic have very similar fingerings, but they are not the same.

No they dont, the flute and sax are two completely different instruments.