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Position:Home>Performing Arts> My musical CAST can't COME together!!!!?

Question:what can we do to work together as a group and have a successful rehearsal? Its getting frustrating cuz we been at it for almost 2 months. and we practice 18 hours a week! and for some reason we just don't feel together there is no magic.
ny tips?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what can we do to work together as a group and have a successful rehearsal? Its getting frustrating cuz we been at it for almost 2 months. and we practice 18 hours a week! and for some reason we just don't feel together there is no magic.
ny tips?

Hmm that's a sticky situation, because casting plays a big part of the show, and it could be that your show was miscast for any number of reasons.

Is the problem between cast members? Are there some feuding players?Is the cast clique-y? If so, I recommend intense bonding time ASAP. It should probably start out with some sort of improv or team building game (the human knot is always a good team builder). Then sit the cast down, let them all voice their concerns, issues, questions, and try to solve them as a group (if you can't think of a way to resolve the issue yourself). People may need to hash it out with someone in the cast in order to cooperate, or just need to vent. In my opinion, that's one of the most releasing methods of therapy.

It may be that the cast needs a tough-love kind of talk. When I played Mabel in Pirates of Penzance over the summer, it was a cast of 45 people, which for our school is a lot of people to keep on. A week or two before hell week, the other leads and I gathered the cast during lunch and explained to the cast what hell week would be like, what to expect, and what we expected from them in terms of focus, attendance, energy, etc. We didn't berate or scold them in any way, we just gave them a wake up call.

As far as the "no magic" goes, that has to do with stage chemistry and focus. Every person, whether spear carrier #3 or leading role has to be actively engaged whenever he or she is on stage, whether it's listening or speaking. Each character, big or small, should have a specific goal for every scene and a series of actions to achieve that goal. Stage chemistry, however, is usually something that is naturally there between people. If there's a lack of chemistry, try to get those who need to have it to be closer as friends and as comfortable as possible around each other.

Whoo, hope that helps! Good luck. Feel free to email me if you need any more help.

i thnk u guys r just sic of eachother from working 2gether sooo much !!! maybe u shud like cancel the practice or something!!!!!! and maybe take the time 2 listen 2 eachother.

GATHER THEM you can do that by getting them 2 one place and talk to them let them communicate.

That is part of the director's job - to cast a cohesive cast that can handle the material, and create an atmosphere in which people feel free to be creative.

You already have some great answers here already, but I have one more suggestion. You've all been rehearsing so hard, it is natural for tension and frustration to build up in this setting. You should get together with the entire cast in a setting completely removed from the musical. Go to a theme park or the beach or something and spend a day bonding with each other. Make sure that it has nothing to do with the show, though. This should hopefully help relieve tension and stress when you come back to rehearsals, plus it will create good feelings between everyone. Good luck!