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Question:How do I tell if a scale or key is a major scale or minor scale?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How do I tell if a scale or key is a major scale or minor scale?

yeah as mentioned by someone else, they have very different sounds.
the intervals between the notes are in a different order in the scales so thus they sound different..

the first two intervals in a major are major 2nds (you know the sound of music movie?
(doh a dear, ray , me, fa etc)
= the interval between- doh & ray is M2, ray to me is M2, me-fa is m2...etc

whilst in the minor it goes, major 2nd, and then minor2-
thus it sounds more arabian like in sound.. la-te M2, te-doh m2

M2-major 2nd
m2- minor 2nd

thus major scales
- M2,M2,,m2,M2,M2,M2,m2

and minor

well i think thats right.. hope that helps!

the best way is to just play a heap of minor scales back to back and then play a heap of major scales.. that way you will really be sure of the sound difference and bff jill?

you can tell by the sound;
a minor key is a sadder sound.. or scary.. whatever.
also in a minor scale you raise and lower notes when playing the scale..
a major scale is a happier sound, and is alwayed played the same.