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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Any tricks to get over stage fright??? please!!! lol?

Question:i really want to sing in my school talent show.
but i have horrible stage fright.

any tips are appreciated

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i really want to sing in my school talent show.
but i have horrible stage fright.

any tips are appreciated

seeing your age i guess whiskey is kinda out of the question. U just have to jump up there and go. Anticipation is what you are scared of not the actual performance. Be so ready that you can do it in your sleep and it will come very easy! and if all else fails grab the jack !!

let me ask you this, are you afraid to sing in front of family and friends? if not just pretend that the entire audience is just that, family and friends.

Just a heads up: Imagining people in their underwear NEVER works. =P
Anyway, I used to get stage fright pretty bad too, but I found out that if I practiced my song enough, and new that I had everything under control, I could walk out onto the stage with confidance. I still get a little nervous, but it's so much easier to overcome.
Even if you are unable to get over the fright before you hit the stage, I've found that the fear typically goes away once you start.
Good luck!

try to completely memorize whatever you are doing on stage until you could pick any part out of your song or lines and start from there. Also, know that once you get out there its not bad at all. And don't imagine the audience in anything, it will only distract you from what you are trying to preform.
hope this was helpful and good luck

1. don't imagine the audiance in their underwear, you will crack up.
2. either look at the wall or look at someone in the audience's shirt while you perform.
3. Once you get started you will feel more comfortable and relaxed.
4. relax.
5. reherse! if you know your song well, you will have a lot less nerves before and during your performance.
6. You could video tape yourself performing so you won't actually have to perform it infront of people.
7. Don't actually belive that you have stage fright. If you think negitive thoughts, your performance will be effected.
8. what's the worst that could happen? Your friends will laugh at you? If they laugh, then they really aren't your friends. (besides, you could allways transfer schools)
9. Have fun! If you are stressed about your song, it will be clear among the viewers. If you have fun you will look a lot better and you'll feel better about it too.
Hope this helps!
Lollie M

Everything that Lollie M is completly true, but it also comes with a lot of experience...But like she said, just know what your going to sing, keep practicing it untill your sick of the song and be confident...thats what I did, and I got voted second best metal drummer in Knoxville Tennessee..

Ive done lots of plays and auditions and i get strage fright sometimes everyone does

the best thing to do is practice practice practice

infront of the mirror, to family and friends even to ur dog

dont think about making a mistake the audience doesnt know what ur supossed to do so if u stuff up dont get worried just pretend it didnt happen and keep on going

most of all just have fun

hope this helped