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Position:Home>Performing Arts> When times are tough, is it ok to sing and dance for spare change?

Question:I usually just break into cars.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I usually just break into cars.

It's called busking.

suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. At Times Square Station in NY there's also a man reaking of urine that has a sign saying "TELL ME OFF FOR 25c" There's another idea.

Of course, you and other people might think it to low. But your parents and grandparents had another name for it 'Oppurtunity, and getting by'. Nothing is ever to low.


if you have the talent, go for it!!!

Why not, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

I find if I expose a boob (by accident of course) I tend to get more quarters and dimes then pennies and nickles.

Absolutely. It's much more lucrative if you do it naked. If you need a job come by The Wild Goose and ask for Bubbles.

Now that's something I would throw a few bucks at. That's much more entertaining than some scruffy man just standing there with a cardboard sign that says "will work for food".

Hey, even when times are good, spare change is ok. I know some horn players that would into the city and come back with a nights pay.

Its good to look poor and play well.


omg, yes yes yes yes! I did this for %0 cents a song at my last yard sale and made a small fortune. Trailer park yard sales can bring in some major cash, especially if you are willing to part with your Jeff Gordon collector's plate.

Yea thats fine, it's called busking and you need a permit from ur local council tho. Buskers are fine as long as they have actual talent and aren't weirdos who think they have talent. I'm planning on getting a busking permit for my flute soon and I can play real well.