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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Will i ever get to perform on stage?

Question:This might sound stupid but ever since the first concert i've been to i've always wanted to be on stage. The energy and excitment from the crowd seemed so cool and so much fun.

I cant sing so i couldnt be a singer or anything like that , but i am learning to play guitar. I might take up the drums, but for know i am sticking with guitar.

Once i get better like 5-10 years from now is there a possiblity that i could play on stage with a well known band as a back up guitar player of something like that?

How much money do they make?

and is it hard to get a job like that?
right now i am only 14.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This might sound stupid but ever since the first concert i've been to i've always wanted to be on stage. The energy and excitment from the crowd seemed so cool and so much fun.

I cant sing so i couldnt be a singer or anything like that , but i am learning to play guitar. I might take up the drums, but for know i am sticking with guitar.

Once i get better like 5-10 years from now is there a possiblity that i could play on stage with a well known band as a back up guitar player of something like that?

How much money do they make?

and is it hard to get a job like that?
right now i am only 14.


Of course it's possible!! If you really want it and work hard for it, I'm sure it can happen. I have no idea how much money they make, but that's not the most important thing. It probably is hard to get a job like that but if you practice alot and always look for new opportunities, something will happen. =)

Anything is possible if you want it badly enough... post again in 5 years and let us know how things turned out

The Salary varies from who your performing with.It increases in diffuculty if your playing with a well-known band but something small will probably roll around. Anything is possible. Many great singers and guitar players are lead guitarists and lead singers, but they started out as back-up for a band. It'll come around. Just keep trying at the guitar and rock on with your music tells us when you become famous and send me a copy of your it debut single in a couple of years. Peace out

U can do anything that you set your mind to. Remember that. Just work hard and do your research. Im sure that u could get that kind of gig. Also, keep a positive attitude at all times and believe in yourself no matter what because if you dont believe in yourself, no one else will. Best of luck!!!