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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What types of music would a typical female college music major be interested in?

Question:what types of music would a female music major, studying music within a state college music program be interested in? She's around 21 years old. What is the curriculum like? and if she's that serious about music, would she be into classical, or just modern music? I need to figure this out so I will know what types of concerts she may be interested in (can't ask her because it's a surprise). Thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what types of music would a female music major, studying music within a state college music program be interested in? She's around 21 years old. What is the curriculum like? and if she's that serious about music, would she be into classical, or just modern music? I need to figure this out so I will know what types of concerts she may be interested in (can't ask her because it's a surprise). Thanks

I would assume that the stuff they teach them is classical, because that's where the greatest music that we know of today evolved, and if she's majoring in it, she's really got to like it. I'm a big music lover as well, and I love classical music, but even if I didn't, I'd think it was really sweet that someone would take me to a concert. There is a good possibility that she is into contemporary music as well, so you could also into that. You could hint around it, like talk about some classical musicians in normal conversation, and see how much and how long she can maintain the topic. Good luck!

That's hard to answer, because if she's planning on studying music in college she already knows what type of music she wants to play.....with women it' s usually piano, violin, voice....and sometimes the wood winds.....but as for type....if she's going to college to study music it's probably classical. By the time your ready for college you've already put years into either your voice or the instrument that you want to I can't imagine how this would be a surprise !!!!!! Maybe I'm missing something or misunderstood what you mean !!!!!!!!!!