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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Need help with piano music? Anyone play piano?

Question:Name the minor key signatures:
F sharp
b flat & e flat
c sharp & f sharp
a flat, b flat & e flat
how can you tell i don't get it?
how do you name major and minor triads
like it shows the notes how can you tell?
and it says write the counts for this rhythem and has notes like how do u do that?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Name the minor key signatures:
F sharp
b flat & e flat
c sharp & f sharp
a flat, b flat & e flat
how can you tell i don't get it?
how do you name major and minor triads
like it shows the notes how can you tell?
and it says write the counts for this rhythem and has notes like how do u do that?

Key signatures are distinguished from each other by the number of sharps and flats that are already set in the staff.

Triads. Sorry, I'm not sure about that.

I can't really help with the rhythm, since I don't know which types of notes you're having problems with. But.

Try looking at that first.

Okay, when it comes to writing in rhythms. Depending on the counts, whether its 4 over 4, 6 over 8, or etc., there's going to be a certain number of counts that belong to each measure. That number of counts is the top number. (4) over 4.

Let's say, you have

Quarter - Quarter - Eighth - 8th - Sixteenth - 16th - 16th - 16th

in a four count measure.

The counts for the rhythm would be written as

(1+) (2+) (3) (+) (4) (e) (+) (a)

(Each count in parenthesis goes to the corresponding order letter.)

And that would be the complete four counts of the measure.