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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can I develop my soprano belt without upsetting the neighbours?

Question:Also, are there any excersizes I can do to make my diaphgram stronger or to stretch my range? I can make a high D, but not a strong high D. Any tips, ANYTHING would be loved.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Also, are there any excersizes I can do to make my diaphgram stronger or to stretch my range? I can make a high D, but not a strong high D. Any tips, ANYTHING would be loved.

Coming from a classically trained background, I cringe at the very thought of "soprano Belt". If you are truly passionate about learning how to sing, then you should commit yourself to learning how to sing properly. "Belting" is compensating for lack of a good vocal technique. The rare exception is when a broadway piece calls for a specific style outside of the singer's regular vocal repetoire. But even then it is approached and handled carefully so as to preserve the voice and subsequent vocal career of the individual. Otherwise, you face vocal nodes and an unfortunately short career if you are any good, and absolutely no career outside of high school musicals if you are only a little good. The music industry is a brutal and often unfriendly world where the friend you have one week is the enemy on stage in the part that you should have had the next. But then again, there are no bonds like the bonds of those that have performed together and if music really is in your blood and soul, then no matter how many rejections or bad reviews you hear, you still go on because there is nothing else that causes your heart to beat or your blood to flow like getting out on that stage and leading people on an amazing journey with your voice. But few people ever truly know that joy. My suggestion, give some serious thought to whether or not you are really ready for the brutality of the music industry before you start to compromise your instrument by trying to learn some cheap shortcut to get a sound with no regard for your real voice. Then, sit back, commit yourself to bein poor in money and highly stressed out at times and you just might make it. Good luck. Ps, if you do, it's all worth it!