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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Best way to vibrato on trombone?

Question:I suppose it would be the same technique as trumpet.... But what is the most common or recommended way?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I suppose it would be the same technique as trumpet.... But what is the most common or recommended way?

DO NOT use your air. Jaw vib is the best way to go with trom. Some trumpet players move their instrument which is ok, but it's a bit awkward on trombone (and it looks bloody stupid). Slide works at times but not for classical stuff. Some people can really work it in soloing but for most it sounds cheesy. That person crapping on about bassoon can just bugger off, coz you have no idea (as well as most of the people that answer brass related question).

well im a trumpet player and the way i do it is by doing short 'waa waa' sounds with my mouth. or you can SLIGHTLY move your instrument back and forth.

As a bassoonist and a vocalist, I'd recommend a chest vibrato. Try manipulating your air by using your diaphragm. This way, your embouchure is not affected.

My teacher always told me try to "spin" the air with my lungs.

It's hard to do at first. In the beginning, it was much more difficult for me to produce vibrato than to not think about it and allow it to come on its own. It all comes naturally once you learn the basic technique, and you'll find yourself using vibrato in no time.

Then again, this is vibrato for bassoon. But they *are* both wind instruments so I'd give this technique a try.

I don't know about brass instruments, but I'd DEFINETELY not recommend swaying your instrument. Yeah, like most other bassoonists, I sway a lot much to my teacher's chagrin :P. It ruins your posture and embouchure and affects your air.

Once again, I'm not a brass player, but from what I've been taught, any vibratos that require you to change your embouchure should be avoided.

I don't know much about throat vibrato, but I heard of people using it successfully. Google it. Or yahoo it, rather.

Hopes this helps. Meh. But if all this stuff doesn't apply to trombone.... yeah ... sorry.

If you can master the technique, the "best" way would be to use a combination of lip vibrato and diaphragm vibrato (which is how trumpet players do it.)

The easiest way (and corniest, but very effective if you're playing big band music) is to do a slide vibrato: move the slide back and forth around the note's position (which is also how string players do vibrato.)