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Question:when i play electric guitar, why do all the strings vibrate when i'm playing on one string?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: when i play electric guitar, why do all the strings vibrate when i'm playing on one string?

you cant help it. It's just physics. The waves vibrating from one string vibrate all the others. you would have to loosen the strings to make them not all vibrate. Or get higher quality strings :I

Harmonic resonance. This is why we mute the strings we are not playing! It involves laying your picking hand partially on the strings, at the bridge, to stop the strings you arent playing from making sound. Also the hand making chords or notes can help in the same way. Just damp the strings that are being noisy!

1)You are either hitting them accidentily.
2) You have feedback through the amp
3) If its neither of those you need to learn to mute the others with your picking hand while you play the individual string.