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Question:How can I add some character to my voice?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How can I add some character to my voice?

You can do this by constricting your throat. Look for sites that teach Tuvan throat singing. Use the same techniques, but less of them.

BUT, to get at your own voice, you do the opposite. Many singers today sing with a lot of false character, more like an affectation. It's not only bad for your voice, but it's hard to keep up because it is not an honest expression of yourself.

To get at your own voice you sing with no constriction of the throat, just let the air glide right by, adding only the note and the vowel. This is softer, but also purer and clearer. This type of singing, with one's true voice, you never get tired of.

Good luck!

Try matching the notes you play on any instrument, such as plucking the notes on a piano and trying to sing the same note. Also try singing fast and slow. Sing as low as you can and as high as you can. This will strengthen your voice and you will build a better voice profile.

practice speaking in different accents.

Add a nasal sound for Bluegrass, and add some gravel for the Blues. Think Stevie Ray Vaughn.
Now that is character